Membership 2024
Simple membership : Without patch = €25
Médium Membership : Included Small Heart Patch = 42 €
Premium Membership : Included Small Heart Patch + Large Back Patch = €67
Membership of your choice
I acknowledge having consulted the Indian Ladies First Charter and declare that I wish to comply with it without restriction.
I undertake not to hold responsible the members of the office of the Indian Ladies First Association or other organizers, in the event that I am injured (including paralysis or death), or victim of damage to my property during the activities of Indian Ladies First Association.
I have noted that my membership must be validated for the current year by the office to be effective. No registration can be recorded without this duly completed form.
I authorize the Indian Ladies First Association to distribute on all media (paper, Web, social networks, etc.) any videos or photos in which I may appear, taken as part of the association's activities.
In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, we inform you that the data provided in this form are necessary in order to contact you. This information is intended solely for the association and is subject to computerized processing. Any changes to personal information must be communicated to the office.
This charter is hereby established in accordance with the association « Indian Ladies First».
Membership is open to any Lady biker riding an Indian or Victory (pilot or passenger).
The application for membership must be sent to the office, which reserves the right to refuse it.
Definitive admission will allow new members to participate in activities and gatherings, attend general meetings and exercise their right to vote during these meetings.
After admission, members will be able to buy the Association patch: a small round patch of about 8 cm front left or right side.
Large patch on the back (28 cm) is proposed, but not mandatory, the Indian Ladies First Association not having the aim of replacing the Club whose member would already gone.
Indian Ladies First patches are intellectual property of the Association.
They will be sold exclusively by it and cannot be counterfeited.
The amount of the contribution is fixed each year by the board of directors and announced during the assembly. general.
• For a member: €25 (twenty euros) for one year.
• Supporting member: any sum or value greater than or equal to €100 (one hundred euros)
• Board members: they pay their dues like all members of the Association in accordance with the above.
In the event of termination of the membership, the member may not claim any refund, whether this termination either on his own initiative or whether it results from a reasoned office decision.
The payment of the contribution must be made before January 31 of each year.
6. ACTIONS OF THE ASSOCIATION (in accordance with article 2 of the statutes)
It organizes Rides (motorcycle rides) for tourist, cultural or charitable purposes.
It also organizes gatherings bringing together its members as well as external bikers.
It organizes any event, whether festive or not, that it deems in line with its values and its spirit.
It organizes events for humanitarian purposes, possibly in partnership with other associations and
may be required to raise funds and donate them to the said associations.
The members implicitly certify by signing this regulation that they are in possession of their driving license and insurance concerning the driving of their motorcycle and their passenger.
If the member is a passenger (Guest), this clause applies to her pilot.
The member (or her pilote) agrees to drive in full compliance with the regulations in force by using his vehicle as a responsible person.
He will not be able to resort to any legal action with the Association in the event of damage caused by a third party.
For the activities and events organized by the Association, the latter will take out “organizational civil liability” insurance.
All members of the Association undertake to behave with respect and civility among themselves as well as towards external persons.
They undertake to behave in a correct manner and to give a positive image of the motorcycle to women.
Any breach of these values will be notified to the member by the office which may, depending on the seriousness or the repetition of the facts, exercise its right deregistration of the manager(s). (Article 8 of the statutes).
When a member leaves on their own initiative or by striking off at the initiative of the office, the person concerned hereby undertakes to no longer wear the Association patch.